Thursday, May 16, 2019

“Pleasures of the Parlor: Playlists from a Victorian iPod” at Leach Library

On Thursday, June 13 at 7:00 p.m., the Leach Library will offer Ms. Marya Danihel’s musical presentation “Pleasures of the Parlor: Playlists from a Victorian iPod”.

Singer and actress Ms. Marya Danihel has offered lectures and concerts at many of New England’s historic houses including the Longfellow National Historic Site, Boston’s Old South Meeting House, and Strawbery Banke Museum.  As a singer, she has performed with organizations such as New England Light Opera, the American Repertory Theatre, and the Tanglewood Festival Chorus.

Ms. Danihel will introduce a variety of tunes middle-class New England families loved to sing during the Victorian era.  She will combine her performances with some music history discussion.

This program is free and open to the public with seating limited to the first 90 individuals.  It will be held in the library’s lower-level meeting room.  Light refreshments will be served.

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